EMN Summer School


EMN for Smart Specialization in Northern Europe


+45 7730 5800


22 – 25 August 2022 Cancelled


All day


Hotel Marina
Vedbæk Strandvej 391
DK-2950 Vedbæk


All days: EUR 1500
1 day: EUR 500
excl. VAT

Summer school in metrology


For the first time, EMN is holding, in collaboration with DFM, a summer school in metrology. The summer school will be held this year in Denmark at hotel Marina in Vedbæk. With 30+ presentations spread over 3½ days, you can get acquainted with different topics in metrology.

  • Day 1 – Introduction to metrology, uncertainty budgets and green deal metrology
  • Day 2 – Time and frequency, and visit to DFM or Force Technology
  • Day 3 – The new kilogram, geometric metrology and health metrology
  • Day 4 – Quantum Metrology

The summer school is aimed at people who are new to the world of metrology as well as people who want to refresh their knowledge.

The price for the whole event is EUR 1500,- and includes accommodation, 4 nights, as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is also possible to sign up for a single day. The price for a single day is EUR 500,- incl. breakfast and lunch. The one-day event ends around 6 p.m.

What is EMN?

In Northern Europe, the national metrology institutes (NMIs) and designated institutes (DIs) in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Latvia and Iceland join forces to form a new European metrology network, dedicated to promoting intelligent specialization. in their area. Within the realm of metrology research, the countries have varying sizes, ambitions and strategic directions under their NMIs and DIs. Traditionally, the Nordic-Baltic metrology institutes have all prioritized certain national standards and metrology services. The establishment of a common strategy will provide improved opportunities to maintain and develop a high quality of regularly-available customer services.

The new EMN for Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe aims to strengthen the metrology infrastructure in the region through increased collaboration. By sharing national strategies to form a common strategy for Northern Europe, as well sharing facilities and exploiting research strengths of each participating institute, the network will work to improve the quality of available metrological services for the broad spectrum of the stakeholder community.


Day 1

09:00 Welcome and introduction
(Michael Kjær, CEO, DFM)

09:20 Introduction to metrology

11:00 Break

11:40 Introduction to metrology

12:40 Lunch

13:40 Uncertainty budgets and BIPM GUM

15:20 Break

15:40 Uncertainty budgets and BIPM GUM

16:40 Green deal metrology

18:20 Break

19:00 Dinner

20:00 Cafe, networking and posting session

21:00 Thank you for today

Day 3

09:00 The new kilogram
(Lars Nielsen, Senior scientist, DFM)

10:40 Break

11:20 The new kilogram

12:20 Lunch

13:20 Geometric metrology

15:00 Break

15:20 Geometric metrology

16:40 Health metrology

18:00 Break

18:40 Dinner

19:40 Cafe, network and poster session

21:00 Thank you for today


Day 2

09:00 Time and frequency
(Per Olof Hedekvist, RISE)

10:40 Break

11:20 Time and frequency

12:20 Lunch

13:20 Visit to DFM or Force Technology

18:00 Break

18:40 Dinner

19:40 Lecture, network and poster session

21:00 Thank you for today




Day 4

09:00 Quantum Metrology

10:40 Break

11:20 Quantum Metrology

12:20 Lunch

13:20 Wrap-up

14:00 Thanks for now


Do you want to be in dialogue with DFM?