Accredited pressure calibration
Pressure calibrations are one of the services that DFM offers via our thermometry laboratory. The laboratory is based on more than 50 years of experience and is one of the leading laboratories within accredited temperature calibrations in Denmark. The laboratory was founded at DTU RISØ and later taken over by DFM and moved to Hørsholm. The laboratory performs both temperature, pressure and electrical calibrations.
If you have questions, are looking for guidance or can not find what you are looking for on our website then contact us.
Measurement range
Accredited calibration in the area:
Absolute pressure: 2kPa – 0.4 MPa
Accredited In Situ Calibration in the Area:
Absolute pressure: 2kPa – 0.4 MPa
If you want calibration outside these areas, contact us for more information.
Accredited calibrations and tests are performed under DANAK accreditation reg. No. 255 and our ISO 9001 certified quality system.
Pressure calibration
Our thermometry laboratory offers pressure calibration of a wide range of pressure equipment both in our laboratory but also in situ.
Calibration of pressure equipment:
- Barometer
- Bourdon tube manometers
- Digital manometers
- Pressure transmitters
- Pressure transducers
- Pressure calibrators
- Manographs
Contact person
Janus Sonne Nielsen
Laboratory Manager, Thermometry
+45 2545 9043
Kasper Rasmussen
Calibration Technician, Thermometry
+45 2545 9047