Certified Reference Materials

We can offer the following services

Certified Reference Materials – Conductivity

DFM offers certified reference solutions for electrolytic conductivity in the form of aqueous solutions of potassium chloride. The solutions are certified according to ISO 17034. DFM stocks decadal values between 10 mS / m and 10 S / m with a shelf life from manufacture of 6 – 18 months.

The solutions can be used in connection with calibration of conductivity sensors.

Certified reference materials (accredited):

Conductivity: 10 mS / m – 13 S / m

Reference materials outside accreditation:

Conductivity: 13 S / m – 30 S / m

Contact person

Jørgen Avnskjold

Senior Calibration Technician, Electrochemistry
+45 2545 9024



Aqueous reference solutions based on other salts or with values other than decadent can be prepared to order. Such solutions can be prepared with conductivity from 0.01 S / m to 30 S / m. However, for salts other than potassium chloride, the upper limit may be lower depending on the solubility of the salt.

Production of certified reference material is carried out in accordance with DANAK Accreditation Reg. Nr. 511 and our internal ISO 9001 certified quality system.

Certified Reference Materials – Primary pH

DFM offers reference buffers for both primary and secondary pH. The primary buffers meet the requirements set out in section 6.1 of the IUPAC Recommendations 2002. The certified pH of the secondary buffer is determined according to section 8.1 of the IUPAC Recommendations 2002. The certified buffers can be used for comparison with secondary and tertiary buffers or for calibration of pH electrodes.

Primary pH buffer:

  • pH 4.005 – Phthalate
  • pH 6.865 – Equimolal phosphate (1: 1 phosphate)
  • pH 7.413 – Physiological phosphate (1: 3.5 phosphate)
  • pH 9,180 – Borate
  • pH 10.012 – Carbonate

Secondary pH buffer:

  • pH 7.38 – Sørensen phosphate (1: 4 phosphate)

The certified buffers have a shelf life of between two and four weeks from the date of production, and each buffer is usually produced and certified only once a year, but can be made to order.

Production of certified reference material is carried out in accordance with DANAK Accreditation Reg. Nr. 511 and our internal ISO 9001 certified quality system.


Contact person

Jørgen Avnskjold

Senior Calibration Technician, Electrochemistry
+45 2545 9024

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