Accreditations and certifications

Why use an accredited laboratory?

Accreditation is a system that creates more confidence in the services that an accredited company provides.

The company is continuously assessed in relation to an internationally recognized accreditation standard. In it, the requirements that must be met are stated. In order to obtain or maintain an accreditation, the company and the employees’ technical competencies as well as equipment must be approved.

When the company meets the requirements for being accredited, other companies, authorities and customers can have greater confidence that the quality on the part of the company will be as expected. The company is judged on the requirements that apply to this particular type of company.

Accreditations and certifications

ISO 17025

DFM is accredited according to DS/EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 for the following services:

Calibration range

Accreditation number 255

  • Acoustics and ultrasound
  • Chemical
  • Geometry
  • Electricity DC and LF
  • Mass
  • Optics
  • Pressure and vacuum
  • Reference material
  • Temperature

Test area

  • Physical and mechanical testing
  • Optical test


ISO 17034

DFM is accredited according to DS/EN ISO 17034: 2016 for the following services:

Production of reference materials

Accreditation number 511

  • Production of reference materials – Conductivity
  • Production of reference materials – pH


ISO 9001

All our services are certified according to ISO 9001: 2015 certificate number: 167837-2014-AQ-DEN-DANAK:

  • Research and consultancy relating to metrology, including the development, production and sale of metrological equipment.
  • Calibration in acoustics, electricity, electrochemistry, thermometry, photonics, length, mass, nanometrology and particle metrology.
  • Production of reference material in the field of electrochemistry and particle metrology.

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